Primátor Crew / Poch Records
The city of Rennes just unleashed its latest French punk-rock attack in the form of ABUSE! The band, featuring members of The Decline, The (almighty) Headliners and DEATHxSQUAD, just released their debut EP little over a month ago for Primátor Crew and Poch Records, and it’s an absolute scorcher!
My interest in the band was triggered when I received a flyer of this release not too long ago. Advertised as a mix between The Vicious and Bishops Green, two favorites here at the HQ, I immediately went online to check these guys out, only to be turned into an instant-fan… before the first song was even over!
Because the advertised description definitely captures ABUSE’s sound in a nutshell. Highly energetic and ultra-melodic ’77 punk, with hints of streetpunk, that’ll make you (well, me at least) want to go mental from the get go! Three tracks total and every song is just bang on, a treat for the ear if you’re into the aforementioned The Vicious and (perhaps in a lesser extend) Bishops Green, or Generacion Suicida, Hard Evidence, The Briefs and Criminal Damage.
An absolute killer debut EP by ABUSE, and I can’t wait to hear more of this adrenaline-fueled punk-rock in the near future! Full-length LP, please?