Last Crusade - S/T LP
Rebellion Records / Longshot Music
With guitarist / vocalist Karl’s recent move back to his homeland Canada, Last Crusade’s story abruptly came to an end. An absolute shocker, not that because I don’t wish Karl all the best of luck in the world, but mainly because us Oi! fanatics lost one of the best up and coming bands that recently emerged out of the British scene! But one thing is for sure, these lads go out with an absolute bang with their first, and therefor most likely last, self-titled full-length album!
If you though the demo EP from this hungry pack of skins impressed, just wait until you get a load of the nine tracks (ten if you pick up the CD version) that are featured on this album! Massive is without a doubt the right for this record, that will definitely wind up as my favorite Oi! album of the year, simply because it is perfect. Not in an over-produced, too poppy kind of perfect, but as in an all pieces of the puzzle perfectly fitting in together kind of perfect.
From the raw, multiple band members' vocals, the razor sharp solos, the sublimely clean guitar sound, the pumping rhythm section, the superb choruses, the lyrics… everything you want it’s all right here! Especially if you are into the likes of bands such as The Templars and early Perkele or French outfits like Warrior Kids and Snix, you will be playing this absolute superb record over and over again, mark my words!
Six new tracks, two re-recorded tracks from the demo (“Morally Bankrupt” and “Deadbeat”) and the Subway Thugs cover “Who The Fuck Are You?” (and if you pick up the CD-version you get “Cycle Of Terror” of the demo as a bonus track) were all it took to create this modern day classic. Now that I finish this review up I realize I am absolutely gutted about the fact that this band was forced due logistical issues to break up, but what remains is a legacy that will frequently on my turntable for many years to come. Get this. Now!