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Another guest interview! This time around it's done by Jimmy Panic of Bread Or Blood and Smash The Discos (websites see below, give them a like!), who took the time to interview up and rising British newcomers Tear Up, who's debut EP "Fucking Av It" is up for pre-order now in the Crowd Control Media webstore!


Who are you,and where are you all from?

My name's Jamie Flanagan I'm the lead vocalist don't like using the term singer cos I don't think I can sing haha we got Sam on bass and Dave on drums we are all from Watford which is just outside London and we got micky kosher from a town called Hemel alot of cousin love round that way


When did Tear Up start?

It originally started about eight months ago but a few teething problems which we are still having from time to time haha but us four have been together only four months.


So a lot has been happening with you guys lately, deals, gigs n such tell us about what you guys got going on.

You pretty much answered that question but to go further into it we have just sorted out a two release deal with an American label called Crowd Control Media we are releasing our ep fuckin av it which u can pre order now of there website details on our Facebook page and in the new year we are releasing a full album called tales of a toerag we got lots of good gigs coming up supporting some great bands Warriors, Arch Rivals, Argy Bargy, East End Badoes and the Last Resort, we have been very lucky.


What do you think about the Oi music scene today? Not just in your area, but all over the world. Any bands outside your country that you're into, or found influence in?

Outside the country my favourite has got to be Old Firm Casuals but there are so many greats I love English oi! East End Badoes, Cockney Rejects have got to be my favourite of the old school but there are some very good new bands that are going places and if they aint they fuckin should be angry agenda for example don't play half as much as they should b squadron they have decided to split they could of been massive I think but I reckon the ones to keep an eye on are knock off very good band. Vicious Rumors. also I think some younger people need to try have a pop no disrespect to the older bands most of em I idolise but they aint gonna go on forever and when they stop what's gonna be left if your thinking of starting a band do it don't let the scene die .


Give us an idea what your songs are about.

I try to write songs about everyday things that every one can relate to like bollocks to the smoking ban for example it's fucked the pub game over here and every one knows about it but I also write songs about things that generally fuck me off or I think need to be said I steer well clear of politics and religion we got a few new songs I have recently written that are more serious and deep as a couple of our songs were referred to as juvenile lol but everyone is entitled to there opinion so I'm trying to please everyone.


Any plans to gig outside your own country?

I would play on the fuckin moon if someone wanted us to there is nothing set in concrete but we are open to offers play out the country that is don't think we could get Dave to come to the moon.


So I've heard you guys compared to the Beatles , in your opinion who has better hair, you or Paul McCartney?

The Beatles we are nothing like those hippy fucks lol but I guess that is a compliment in some way not really the sound I'm going for though but in answer to your question my barnet (hair) Pisses all over his u would think with all his Money it would look better haha.


What's your take on politics in the scene?

I was recently asked if we was a left or a right wing band and I replied my band don't know there left and rights with there fuckin hands let alone when it comes to political views I think it's all bollocks to be honest we are neither for me it's all about the music get drunk And banging as many groupies as humanly possible unfortunately the only groupie we seem to have is a geezer called Charlie and that's not my thing so ladies apply within preferably stunners but after a few beers I'm sure il loosen the criteria,


So what should we be on the lookout for from Tear Up? What's next for you guys?

To be honest I been really overwhelmed by the whole thing to get a record deal so soon I don't know what to expect next myself we will keep writing songs playing gigs and as long as people wanna hear us we will wanna keep playing we got the album coming out after Christmas so we will see how that goes down to see if we will write another one or not.


You're stuck in solitary confinement, you can only choose one record, what is it?

For me it's a toss up if it's punk it would be the clash junior murvin cover of police and thieves I want that at my funeral I need to get that out there in case I don't last long but oi! music for me it's east end badoes for ever proud it's a fucking great song sung by the grandad of oi Terry Hayes lol.


Tell us something we don't know about Tear Up.

Half my songs were written while Sat in a prison cell the other half were written while drunk lol the amount of songs I had to scrap cos I was pissed and thought they sounded good at the time is unbelievable I got 3 books full of em lol


Final thoughts give us some Tear Up wisdom, something to remember you by.

Always believe in yourself you can achieve anything u want never bow down to negativity if u want something and u try hard enough you can get it look at us till a year ago I had never been in a band or nothing and now I'm here being interviewed nothing is impossible don't let the bastards grind you down.


Interview by Jimmy Panic of Bread Or Blood / Smash The Discos!
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