The Generators / Crashed Out – Blood, Sweat & Glory
Randale Records / Longshot Music
What do sunny California and rainy Britain have in common? “Blood, Sweat & Glory” of course! Also the title of the latest split 10” between LA punk-rockers The Generators and Jarrow-town hooligans Crashed Out, the album features four ‘new’ songs by each band, both a guarantee for some top quality punk and Oi! music!
Earlier this year The Generators already treated us with a small amount of new tracks on the best-of compilation “Earn Your Stripes”, and on “Blood, Sweat & Glory” they deliver four more! In that typical Generator-style, the band kicks out a handful of new anthems varying from short, fast-paced punk attacks such as “Throw Away The Key” and “So Sick Of This”, to those mid-tempo, melancholic rockers like “Killing Time” and “Goodbye California” that attracted me to their sound in the first place. Time again for a new full-length? I reckon it is!
Last year (2015) Crashed Out celebrated their 20th anniversary with the CD-single “20 Years” and now... the same four tracks of last year’s single fill up the B-side of “Blood, Sweat & Glory”. As I was hoping for some brand new Crashed Out material, this is disappointing, but on the other hand, songs like “Here To Stay” and “20 Years Strong” were way too good to ‘just’ be released on a CD! So keeping in mind that not everyone receives a CD for review (or buys CD’s in general), it was about time these tracks got thrown on a slab of wax!
As said earlier, top notch punk and Oi! from the States and Britain, making this 10” an easy pick up, even if you happen to have Crashed Out’s “20 Years” CD-single! “Blood, Sweat & Glory” is out now on Randale Records (Europe) and Longshot Music (USA).