The Roadside Bombs - War On Love
Chapter 11 Records / Pirates Press Records
After the excellent full-length of 2014, “My Side Of Town”, California’s The Roadside Bombs are back with new music, and some frisky cover artwork(!), for Chapter 11 Records and Pirates Press Records. “War On Love” is the latest effort of Sonoma’s finest, delivering a taste of things to come as their next album is set for release in the Spring of 2017!
So jeez, is it Spring, 2017 already? Not only do I celebrate my birthday in that season, but the tracks that The Roadside Bombs bring on this little slab of wax definitely taste like more! Both title-track “War On Love” and B-side “Looky” crank out more of that ultra-melodic, punk-rock energy these guys are known for ever since their “Bring ‘Em Home” 7”! Highly addictive, you want to keep on flipping that record over and over again, as this is catchy as hell!
Despite still having that streetpunk, rock ‘n’ roll kind of edge, it wouldn’t surprise me if kids into that whole Lookout, pop-punk, kinda thing would dig these guys as well. I would! Now let that new full-length come sooner than later, please.