V/A – Smash The Discos Presents:
Volume 1: Fuck Your Movement, We’re Making A Scene!
Volume 2: Cut-throats N’ Hooligans
Smash The Discos
I could have written two separate reviews for Smash The Discos 2015 compilations “Fuck Your Movement, We’re Making A Scene!” and “Cut-throats N’ Hooligans”, but in the end you would have read the same story twice, simply because the recipe for both samplers is pretty much the same! So since I received them both at the same time and both CD’s were released this year (props for that by the way!), I decided to combine both releases into one, extensive, review!
First things first of course and that is volume one, entitled “Fuck Your Movement, We’re Making A Scene!”. With a massive tracklist of 25(!) bands and songs, the label’s first installment is without a doubt a proper compilation. With the combination of Oi!, streetpunk and punk bands, “Fuck Your Movement, We’re Making A Scene!” bursts out a nice blend of various sounds from all over the place! Sure, with 25 bands being included you always have some hits and some misses, but outfits like The Industry, Degeneration, Hardsell, Secret Army, The Blood, No Man’s Land, Cycle Of Violence, Last Rough Cause, Blue Collar Stompers, Make Your Mark and 7er Jungs definitely deliver! That there are hardly any unreleased songs on here (at least that is what I am thinking, because I don’t know every band that is featured on this release), I take for granted, because it listens away easy and it reminds me of Knock-Out Records’ old label samplers!
But with volume two, “Cut-throats N’ Hooligans”, Smash The Discos upped the ante though! Not only with an even longer tracklist (26 songs total!), but overall “Cut-throats N’ Hooligans” brings a stronger line-up than its predecessor and with Halbstarke Jungs, B Squadron, Red Alert, Bakudan, Doomhammer, Royal Oi!, Major Disappointment, Sniper 66, Drug Shock, Glory Days, Stokes CPH, Arch Rivals, Tear Up, Wolf Bites Boy, Stanley Knife and 7er Jungs I am naming just a few! Again there are bands from the USA, Europe, Asia and Australia featured on a single compact disc and despite that it contains quite some released, or about to be released, songs it’s well compiled and can easily be listened to in a single session, something I was a bit scared for upfront due to the extensive tracklists of both compilations.
Of course both releases have some problems. Especially “Fuck Your Movement, We’re Making A Scene!” has some issues with the sound quality and volume between the different songs. And although I totally understand, it’s still a shame that the packaging and overall lay-out had to be done on a low budget, because music-wise Jimmy at Smash The Discos did an excellent job at getting all these bands together! Therefor I hope there will be a bit more money available for a third volume, because a glossy digipak and a nicely designed booklet (or even better, vinyl!) would really compliment the hard work that is being put into this compilation series! Because besides the mentioned favorites, both volumes also deliver plenty of new and previously unheard bands (yes, even to me) and that makes compilation albums fun to begin with!