V/A – Portugal Oi! – Vol. 1
Zerowork Records / The Firm Records
Although certain individuals – especially on this compilation – are involved with, or even responsible for, more than one band, the Portuguese scene is thriving and very well alive nonetheless! To capture this momentum Zerowork Records and The Firm Records released the first volume of “Portugal Oi!” - a scorching compilation delivering nothing but hard-hitting hits!
Of course it features all of your favorite bands from the country in question – including Facção Opposta, Núcleo Duro, Gume, Falcata, Asas Da Vingança, Pulhas, Blind Alley Dogs, Horda, Grito! and newcomers Forca. Packed in a nice glossy – hand-numbered - sleeve that includes a thick insert packed with pictures, the record itself burst out its noise at 45 revolutions per minute, making those powerful anthems sound as massive as they should!
But with that being said, none of the tracks on this slab of wax are either exclusive or unreleased. Sure, the songs of Facção Opposta, Horda Blind Alley Dogs and Grito! have never been released on vinyl before and limited releases from other bands such as Núcleo Duro, Gume or Pulhas sold out so fast you might possibly never ever heard them, but keep in mind that you won’t find any surprises on this compilation – if you own all of the featured band’s regular releases that is.
Because if you don’t, you will definitely find some nice surprises on this record! But even if you do own most – or all – previous releases, “Portugal Oi! - Vol. 1” is obviously an excellent overview, sounding massive from start to finish! And since a little bird told me the second volume will indeed include new, exclusive and unreleased tracks I can’t wait for the continuation of this series!