Béton Armé / Ultra Razzia – Demo 2018 / Demo 2017
Primator Crew / Shoom Records
LSC Records – later renamed to HOM Records – released quite a few gems in its existence. Particularly in 2017 and 2018 the Canadian label kept tape-decks from all over the world occupied with releases by On The Ropes, King Cans, City Ground, Honour Guard, Force Majeure, Lingua Franca, Béton Armé and of course Ultra Razzia. All fairly brilliant bands and releases – to say the least – but physically mostly only available on cassette in very – I even dare to say ridiculously – low numbers, making them practically impossible to find out in the wild. That was already the case ‘back then’ and that surely is the case now three to four years later!
And that is a shame. Because despite that I love a good, limited release myself (as long as I’m able to obtain a copy obviously – haha!), I also believe that good music should be available more widely and not just for those who happen to be at the right place at the right time. For that reason alone I don’t mind common versions or reissues at all, as great music (so please, not all) should be preserved and easier available – physically that is – especially in Béton Armé and Utra Razzia’s case!
But thanks to Primator Crew and Shoom Records that is exactly what happened! The labels took the two cassettes these bands originally released in 2017 (Ultra Razzia) and 2018 (Béton Armé), remastered them to pack an even heftier punch and threw them together on 12 inches of black wax for a mighty fine split LP! I already loved the idea when I first heard about it, but now that I have this release in hand and – most importantly – on my turntable, I love it even more! These demos were of course massive to begin with and could have, perhaps even should have, been released on vinyl from the get go, but now that they’re finally out – in all their glory – they sound better and even more relevant than ever before!
Therefor this release is an absolute no-brainer, even if you already own the original cassettes like me. Bigger is most definitely better in this case, because not just the format and sound improved, the artwork and layout is far more impressive as well, while the included booklet in the form of a fanzine is the icing on the cake and wraps it up, making it the perfect – first ever – appearance on vinyl for Ultra Razzia and Béton Armé’s demos, limited to 300 copies (all black vinyl) this time around! Must have!!
Read my original review on Ultra Razzia HERE and on Béton Armé HERE.